The Traffic Tester Club Site 2 – Traffic Ad Bar

I am delighted with The Traffic Tester Club information already, as it allowed me to make a great decision about Actual Hits 4U that I would not have made otherwise. I know that I have a solid foundation in place with that site already.

The next site that I would like to work on is Traffic Ad Bar.

Click Here To Join Traffic Ad Bar

Traffic Ad Bar is a rather interesting traffic site and is often hailed as top quality. I am really looking forward to assessing it with our 3 ads.

I will add a summary of results below when I have the data from 10, 25, 50 and 100 testers.

My target is to get 100 people to use the 1000 free credits = 100,000 hits

What To Do?

When you join Traffic Ad Bar you get quite a lot of advertising included in your account, including an advertising profile, access to an ad network, and submission into search engine traffic systems too:

You will be given 100,000 Points when you join for free, and this is important, as it is the number of points you have that determines where on the Level Ladder your ad appears.

Those ads on Level 1 gain more views than Level 2 etc.

Your first goal is to earn points to move your websites up the level ladder. Your second goal is to view websites to earn hits to get your ads displayed throughout the ad network.

For The Traffic Tester Club you will need to add 3 different adverts to the site.

The 3 Adverts To Add Are:

The ads are the same 3 as we added to Actual Hits 4U, and you will find all the details on this blog post: Traffic Tester Club – Site 1: Actual Hits 4U

Add The 3 Capture Pages To Traffic Ad Bar

After setting up your Leadsleap account with the 3 ads as directed you can start promoting the pages. To add them on Traffic Ad Bar is very simple. You will be prompted to add your advert during the registration process.

When adding your ads remember to add the identifier to the end of the url.

So for this site you add TrafficAdBar to the end of the url so it looks like this:

This will allow you to check the results in your Leadsleap account.

To get hits to your ads on Traffic Ad Bar you will need to view other member ads or upgrade your account.

When you first join you can get a great discount on upgrading which gives you Platinum membership for $12 instead of $40. I decided to use this upgrade to complete the test, but of course you can use the free account if you prefer.

Reporting Results

To provide me with your results you should check the stats section of the Leadsleap Capture Pages – Click on the graph icon to see the results. There you will see information about the number of hits gained via the website identifier. I used TAB for my identifier

Earn Your First 1000 Online Page:
Traffic Tester Club Page
First $100 Day Page

Summary of Results

My Personal Results:

As you can see from the screenshots above the First $100 Day page has gained 2 subscribers from Traffic Ad Bar (and 1 of these turned into a sale).

I will keep the ads running until I reach 1000 hits on each page and check my results again.

I am really looking forward to seeing other readers results from this site as well.

10 testers results:
25 testers results:
50 testers results:
100 testers results:

Findings & Recommendations for Traffic Ad Bar

Although it is very early to make any firm conclusions about this it looks like the members of Traffic Ad Bar are mostly interested in PAID opportunities.

I have had my ads running for about 8 days on Traffic Ad Bar and below you can see the number of hits gained via the Platnium upgrade (no surfing done).

Each ad has had about 150 – 200 hits in that time (AVG = 18 – 25 hits per day)

I do like the fact that Traffic Ad Bar provides some detailed stats with regard to geo location as well as the number of hits to each ad placed on the site.

The majority of hits that my ads have received so far have been US based:

Next Site For Testing

Ads Messenger






2 responses to “The Traffic Tester Club Site 2 – Traffic Ad Bar”

  1. Steven avatar

    My results so far –

    Traffic Tester Club page – 160 total hits 0 result from Traffic Ad Bar

    Earn Your First 1000 Online Page – 180 total hits, 2 results from Traffic Ad Bar

  2. Steven avatar

    My results so far –

    Traffic Tester Club page – 341 total hits 0 result from Traffic Ad Bar

    Earn Your First 1000 Online Page – 326 total hits, 2 results from Traffic Ad Bar

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