Getting Rich Online Campaign – $10,000 Hits A Day Target

I have just finished writing a very simple but effective campaign called Getting Rich Online When You Have No Money. This is designed to help guide people forward from using free sites into paid sites and is a very good first stepping stone. It is very low cost and requires just 3 paid referrals to make a lot of money. This makes it the perfect plan for new marketers.

As always these are campaigns that I actually use myself and I aim to reach 10,000 hits a day to this campaign as well as my main rotator page.

This will show you how I manage to work on multiple campaigns at one time.

I will simply be following the same template as I have already started writing for My Traffic Planning For 10,000 Hits A Day system.

This time I will be working on getting 10,000 hits a day to this page:

You can see this is a brand new campaign with no hits at all yet:

Below is my progress tracking for this campaign:

Getting Started

As always I start by adding this campaign to Infinity Traffic Boost. I am doing that right now…..

Now usually I would add this link to several other traffic sites on day 1, but I think I will just work on adding it to a single site per day so I can show how the hits level builds slowly but surely…..

Day 1 Results

Ok, so I added the lead capture page for this campaign to Infinity Traffic Boost yesterday, and already I have my first subscriber for the campaign:

As you can see from the screenshot above this page received 83 hits on day 1, and 69 of those were unique.

What I want to do with this campaign is add 1 traffic site at a time so I can get a better idea about the number of hits I can expect per day from each one. This will make it very simple for me to reach 10,000 hits per day to every campaign I want to promote.

Today I am adding the lead capture page to Actual Hits 4U

I will add to the main site as well as the co-op advertising section. I am guessing that will double the number of hits from 80 per day to 160+ per day…. but I will check that tomorrow.

Ellie xx






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