Author: ellietraffic

  • Claim Your Free Upgrades on Hungry For Hits

    Hungry for Hits is an incredible traffic site….. BUT it takes a bit of time to figure out how to get results from using it. I have been using it now on and off for a few years and finally I am getting to grips with how to use it effectively. One of the best…

  • Actual Hits 4U 100 Campaign Progress Update

    After starting to work on Actual Hits 4U as my first Traffic Tester Club site I started to see the huge potential this site actually has. Not only can it provide me with a lifetime of traffic to 300 different links, it can be used as a springboard to help me achieve my target of…

  • Traffic Scams Are Common Place!

    I really hate writing anything that paints the work online industry in a bad light….. but sadly scams are part and parcel of it. It seems like there are so many scams at times that it is amazing anyone actually manages to avoid them at all. Traffic is big business online, and so it has…

  • 100 Automated Ad Campaigns Planning – Campaign 1

    Its really funny how a simple idea can literally spark a whole chain of events. Had I not decided to start working on The Traffic Tester Club, and used Actual Hits 4U as the first site I would not have come up with this plan at all. Fact is, I can only do it really…

  • Getting Rich Online Campaign – $10,000 Hits A Day Target

    I have just finished writing a very simple but effective campaign called Getting Rich Online When You Have No Money. This is designed to help guide people forward from using free sites into paid sites and is a very good first stepping stone. It is very low cost and requires just 3 paid referrals to…

  • The Traffic Tester Club Site 2 – Traffic Ad Bar

    I am delighted with The Traffic Tester Club information already, as it allowed me to make a great decision about Actual Hits 4U that I would not have made otherwise. I know that I have a solid foundation in place with that site already. The next site that I would like to work on is…

  • Assessing The Value of Traffic

    One of the things that I truly love to do is assess the value of traffic. By this I mean I look in detail at the benefits of using a particular traffic site. It is only a few days since I started The Traffic Tester Club and already I have seen many benefits for the…

  • How To Create A Lifetime of Free Traffic From 1000 Ad Clicks

    Traffic generation is quite easy when you know how to create a lifetime of free traffic from just 1000 ad clicks. It involves a little strategy (explained below) and a specific traffic site that pays you $13 for those 1000 ad clicks. That site is called Actual Hits 4U. Click Here To Join Actual Hits…

  • Traffic Tester Club – Site 1: Actual Hits 4U

    Thank you for agreeing to join me in testing out a lot of traffic sites….. together we can conduct much more effective tests. There is a LOT of power when marketers work together and we can cover a lot more ground as a team working on this most important task. The first site in my…

  • Introducing The Traffic Tester Club!

    I do love testing traffic sites but I am getting too busy to do it as much as I would like now…… and I learned a HUGE amount about working online when I spent time on this. So I have decided to create The Traffic Tester Club!!! How Does It Work? It is very simple…